HARVEY, William

[Embryology and Obstetrics] HARVEY, William. Exercitationes de generatione animalium Amsterdam: Louis Elzevier, 1651 £ 2,000 12mo, 568pp [4], final blank, engraved frontispiece depicting Jove releasing animal life from an egg with the motto ‘Ex ovo omnia’ [everything […]

HIPPOCRATES; HEURNE, Johan van (ed.)

HIPPOCRATES; HEURNE, Johan van (ed.). Hippocratis Coi Aphorismi graece et latine; Brevi enarratione, fidaque interpretatione ita illustrati, ut ab omnibus facile intelligi possint. Cum historiis, observationibus, cautionibus, et remediis selectis. Editio altera multo emendatior. Leiden: Ex officina […]


WELLCOME LIBRARY. A Catalogue of Printed Books in the Wellcome Historical Library.  London, The Wellcome Historical Medical Library, 1962.       £ 350   Folio. 3 vols: xv, 407 p.; xi, 540 p.; xvi, 565. Hardback, […]


Catalogue of Seventeenth Century Printed Books in the National Library of Medicine


GEOGHEGAN, Edward. Commentaries on the Treatment of the Venereal Disease Dublin, Cumming, 1814. £1250 8vo, pp. 219, uncut leaves. With half-title and title-page. Coat of arms of physician Arthur William English (M.R.C.S. Eng., L.S.A.. 1812-1893) on front […]