HIPPOCRATES; HEURNE, Johan van (ed.)

HIPPOCRATES; HEURNE, Johan van (ed.). Hippocratis Coi Aphorismi graece et latine; Brevi enarratione, fidaque interpretatione ita illustrati, ut ab omnibus facile intelligi possint. Cum historiis, observationibus, cautionibus, et remediis selectis. Editio altera multo emendatior.

Leiden: Ex officina Plantiniana Raphelengii, 1609

£ 300

12mo (12.3 x 7.5 cm). A-Y12 Z4; 512 pp. [4], plus 7 index. Title page with printer’s device [LABORE ET CONSTANTIA]; dedication by the editor Johannes Heurnius. Ex-libris of John Theodore Foxell on front paste down with manuscript signature and date on second flyleaf. In Latin; Roman, Italic and Greek script. One floriated initial. Browning and slight foxing. Lacuna on A12 affecting the text; wormholes near margins from A12 to I1; lacuna on bottom margin of last page not affecting the text. Contemporary manuscript notes on A11, I4 and T12; signature of contemporary owner on last page. Some margins slightly trimmed; edges browned. Marbled brown calf; bumped corners; slightly worn. A good copy.



This book contains the edition in Greek and Latin of Hippocrates’ Aphorisms established by Johannes Heurnius (1543-1601), a Dutch physician and natural historian. 


One of the previous owners, es evidenced by the ex-libris and manuscript signature, was the artist John Theodore Foxell, He served as a Major in the Royal Engineers Postal Section during the First World War and was also watercolour landscape painter and a member of the Ipswich Art Club (1924-1925).

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