VON HELMHOLTZ, Hermann (KÖNIG, Arthur and Carl RUNGE, Eds.). Einleitung zu den Vorlesungen über Theoretische Physik
Leipzig, Johann Ambrosius Barth, 1922-1925.
Second edition. 4to. 3 vols: [9], 380 pp.; viii, 246 pp.; x, 255 pp.. Half faux-leather and marbled paper over boards, with gilt lettering and raised bands. Minor signs of wear on head and tail of the spine. These are the first three volumes of the ‘lessons’ in physics by the famous scientist Hermann von Helmholtz. Each volume includes half-title and title-page. The first volume is dedicated to the dynamics of discrete mass-points; the second volume to the dynamics of continuously distributed masses; the third volume is about the mathematical principles of acoustic. Each of the three volumes is inscribed by Hermann Arthur Jahn, a British scientist of German origin, who was co-responsible of the discovery of the Jahn-Teller effect in molecular chemistry. The inner hinge of the first volume shows spine netting. The corners are a bit bumped and spines show negligible signs of wear at caps. Overall, an excellent copy.