ORIGEN (SPENCER, William, Tr.). Origenis contra Celsum libri octo: ejusdem Philocalia
Cambridge, Excudebat Joan. Hayes, 1677.
4to, pp. [12], 428, [8], 110, [2], 98, [38]. Title page in red and black within double-fillet border in black ink. Additional title, dated 1676, for Philocalia: de Obscuris Sacrae Scripturae locis (recto of leaf Iii4). Text in Greek and Latin in parallel columns. Floriated woodcut initials. First 9 words of title in Greek characters. First leaf and leaf Iii3 are blank. Includes index. Generally clean, fresh and crisp, only a few quires slightly foxed. Very light age yellowing on margins, negligible single worm track throughout some leaves, starting short before the beginning of Philocalia (past the first half of the book) and ending some gatherings afterwards. Early autograph on front free flyleaf. Bookplate of the Society of the Sacred Mission at Kelham on front pastedown. Worn contemporary mottled calf with gilt-stamped library number on lower left corner of front cover. Skilfully rebacked preserving most of original elaborate spine gilt. Title on label to spine. A fine copy.
Wing O 425. ESTC R6493