ORIGEN (SPENCER, William, Tr.). Origenis contra Celsum libri octo: ejusdem Philocalia
Cambridge, Excudebat Joan. Hayes, 1677.
4to, pp. [12], 428, [8], 110, [2], 98, [38]. Title page in red and black within double-fillet border in black ink. Additional title, dated 1676, for Philocalia: de Obscuris Sacrae Scripturae locis (recto of leaf Iii4). Text in Greek and Latin in parallel columns. Floriated woodcut initials. First 9 words of title in Greek characters. First leaf and leaf Iii3 are blank. Includes index. Tear to upper margin of V4, slightly affecting the text. Generally clean, fresh and crisp. Very light age yellowing on margins, a few early Latin marginalia. Worn contemporary English calf with blind-tooled central decorative panels on covers. Skilfully restored to spine, modern red morocco label with gilt lettering. A fine copy.
Wing O 425. ESTC R6493