DE SIEBOLD, Ph. Fr. [with] DE VRIESE, W. H., (Eds) Annales d’horticulture et de botanique, ou Flores des jardins du Royaume des Pays-Bas, et Historie des plantes cultuvées les plus intéressantes des possessions néerlandaises aux Indes Orientales, et Amérique et du Japon (II-IV)

 Leiden, A. W. Sijthoff, 1859-62.


Royal 8vo, 4 volumes in 2, missing vol. 1. 49 plates, most of them hand-coloured. Title-pages of second and fourth volume autographed. Vol. II: pp. 1-192, 4 hand-coloured double plates, 1 uncoloured double plate (browned), 8 hand-coloured single plates, 1 uncoloured single plate (foxed); Vol. III: pp. 1-195, 5 hand-coloured double plates, 7 hand-coloured single plates, 1 uncoloured plate; Vol. IV: pp. 1-192, 1 hand-coloured double plate, 10 hand-coloured single plates, 1 uncoloured plate; Vol. V: pp. 1-196, 10 hand-coloured single plates, 2 uncoloured plates (1 single, 1 folding). Preserving the original wrappers with titles, bound in later half blue cloth and marbled paper over boards, green morocco labels with gilt-tooled titles and decorative gilt rolls to head and foot of spines. Bookbinder’s label “Boekbinderij J.V. Welzen Jz, Leiden” on left pastedown.