BARTOLUS DE SAXOFERRATO. (Jason Maynus, Ed.). Super prima codicis secundum primam et secundam lecturam cum apostillis antea positis [with] Super autenticis [with] Super tribus libris codicis cum nonnullis apostillis

Lyon, Jacques Sacon, 1516.


Large folio. Legal commentaries, 3 works in one volume (the first one in two parts), a-z8; 4a-4q8 4r6 A-G8 a-e8. Title of part one in red and black, all four titles within an elaborate woodcut border and with large devices. (left and right endpapers missing, the second part of the first work lacks the last leaf, part III lacks title and last blank, part IV lacks all after e4, a few light stains and very occasional early marginalia and underlining). Gothic letter, floriated initials in three sizes, double column text with printed lateral glosses. Early ms. ink collection number on left pastedown and paper label with early library number to head, later larger paper slip glued beneath with title, bookseller’s label towards guts at foot (E. & C. Brown, Booksellers, 13, Bishop’s Road, Paddington, W. 20, Sheldon St. (Adjoining)). Bound in contemporary South German blind-stamped alum-tawed skin over wooden boards, sides divided into rectangular compartments and decorated with stamps of rosettes, animals, lilies and an arrow through a heart, the whole within a roll border of a larger arrow through heart stamp, spine decorated in compartments, divided by five raised bands covering double sewing supports, with a profusion of the same stamps, metal cornerpieces and original catch and clasps of copper alloy. Later chevron headband linings of blue, red and white cotton threads. (A few minor signs of wear). A monumental volume in very good condition despite a few missing leaves.

Not in Adams or BMC. None of the tools identified in Kyriss.