A chorus and four solo voice hunting song written for the Frankfurt senator Franz Bernus, composed in November 1837.
[Bible in Greek] Tēs Kainēs Diathēkēs apanta.
The third and most important Estienne edition of the New Testament in Greek, known as Editio Regia.
Le bijou des Enfans. Pour l’année 1817
A beautiful and tiny children’s miniature almanac
Petit Chansonnier de l’enfance
A charming children’s miniature almanac
The Lord’s Prayer
Minuscule prayer book, the smallest type-printed book in the world
London Almanack for the Year of Christ 1854
A lovely miniature almanac for 1854
London Almanack for the Year of Christ 1785
A miniature almanack in an intricate gilt binding
POPE, Alexander. The Lilliputian Ode
A miniature publication of Alexander Pope’s short verses
DANTE ALIGHIERI. La Divina Commedia
A stunningly bound and beautifully fine exemplar of La Divina Commedia, a limited edition copy by the Nonesuch Press.
VERGILIUS MARO, Publius. Opera cum decem commentis
One of the most lavishly illustrated works of the sixteenth century