HEINE, Heinrich. Werke. Illustriert von Wiener Künstlern
Wien; Leipzig; Prag, Bensinger, [ca 1884-1888].
4to, 6 vols, pp. viii, 379; 385; 378; 379; 380, 380. Illustrated edition with many numerous woodcuts, many full page. Bound in contemporary red cloth, boards and spines richly panelled with elaborate shiny gilt and black decorations, centrepiece with gilt-stamped author’s profile in a pensive attitude on a black oval background, text crisp with very occasional light age yellowing, marbled fore-edges. A little rubbed along cover edges and spines. Vol. 1 with partially detaching spine. On half title, ex libris with monogram formed by initials L, A and K. First volume with frontispiece portrait of Heine, tissue guard. Fully decorated title pages for each volume.